


11 Stories by duaneweber1212

The Boy in the Picture

I see you, my 7 year old boy staring into my soul through that fading black and white photograph. Your uncertain look truly is...
18 sec read

An Open Letter to My Younger Self: You’ll Make It Through

In all the millions of ways you can be told your not enough, don't believe even one of them. Healingbrave.come
2 min read


TWINS! If you haven’t heard by now you have twins! It’s both much harder than you could have ever imagined and WAY more fun/rewarding...
15 sec read

Choose Your Own Path

You will need to choose your own path or one will be chosen for you. Look for leaders in your field that are confident...
12 sec read


Remember that you create HUGE results on EVERYTHING YOU put your attention and energy on
1 min read

When Sex Gets In The Way

Later you would learn that sex is something that occurs naturally when connection and intimacy is present between two people – not simply on...
5 min read

It’s Alright To Feel This Way

Know that through the sensitivity of humanity we experience The Divine.
1 min read

Loving, Compassionate, and Connected

Dear Steve, Hello my friend, it is us 30-40 years into the future.  You have so much to look forward to in your life! ...
46 sec read

The lessons learned to become Joyful, Compassionate and Connected as a man

Becoming a heart centered, connected, compassionate, joyful, loving man
3 min read

If You’re Going Through Hell Keep Going

Duane, I know you can’t sleep at night. I know that what’s happening is eating you up. Your gut is telling you that your...
52 sec read